

Show entries and enquires to URC Show Secretary Alison Scutcher,

10 Glebe Close, Wix,

Manningtree, Essex CO11 2SD

Tel 01255 871489, Email: Alison Scutcher

Entries for all shows can be taken on line at the Fosse Data Website 




Dates for 2022


OPEN SHOW                        16/2/ 2022

BEST IN SHOW                   Di Arrowsmith

GOLDEN                               Mrs L List

LABRADOR                          MRS L UNGOED-THOMAS

FLATCOATS                         Mr A Osborne-Brown

CURLIES                               Mr S Bardwell

CHESSIES                             Jean Collins-Pitman

TOLLERS                               Richard Stafford


CHAMP SHOW                   10th August 2022

BEST IN SHOW                   David Hutchison

GOLDEN DOGS                  Kathy Gorman

GOLDEN BITCHES             Frank Kane

LAB DOGS                           Ronwein Phillips

LAB BITCHES                       David Craig

FLATCOATS                         Roz Bellamy

CURLIES                               Christine Schofield

CHESSIES                             Mrs J Eyeington

TOLLERS                               Mrs C Macloud