Area Finals 2015 The Auberies Sunday 28th June
Our grateful thanks to our hosts Mr & Mrs Burke and Dominic Burke
A fantastic day at a wonderful venue
1st Essex Area
Brian Chesser Gunnerheath Amethyst LRB 104
Mick Elsey Kayteens Kentucky LRD 106
Liz Ingram Garrethall Ouka LRB 111 Team Total 321
2nd Hants & South West Area
Keith Broomfield FTCh Lamlodge Matador LRD 109
Gill Yates Lubbecke Royal Sapphire LRB 111
Ken Green Autumn Willow Tag LRD 94 Team Total 314
3rd North Midlands Area
Paul Birkbeck Warrenbank Fen LRD 93
Russell Hogden FTCh Partridge Flush of Russjancoe LRB 107
Charlotte Smith Derrity Rose LRB 92 Team Total 292
4th Northern Area
Nick Aubrey Garagill Rana LRD 98
Nick West Groverey Delta LRB 89
Roz McIlroy Autumn Willow Scout LRD 103 Team Total 290
Highest placed individual Jacqui Crew with Echobrook Dexter 116 points
Runner up Liz Ingram with Garrethall Ouka 111 points
Highest placed first time at an Area Finals Norman Onens with Kestrelway Freddie 107 points
Many thanks to our sponsors Masters Dog Foods
Thanks also to Sporting Saint for supplying prizs for award winners.
Ray Hood of Country Trail Images for the photography
Additional sponsorship from Keith Weir and also from Essex & Suffolk Water
Project 7 for the excellent catering
Gordon and Thames Ambulance Services
A huge thank you from the committee to the many helpers who came along to help make the day such a success.
It was the turn of Essex Area to host the Area Finals this year, held in the stunning grounds of The Auberies, near Sudbury, with huge thanks going to the owners, Nigel, Nicky & Dominic Burke.
Our team was Liz Ingram, Mick Elsey and Brian Chesser with Tracey Chesser as reserve.
Unfortunately one dog from the Midlands Area team went lame that morning and as their reserve had not travelled with them, Tracey stepped in, and with a quick change of shirts, ran for Midlands.
A lot of thought had gone into the setting and organising of the tests. The three morning tests each had a mark thrown on to water which became a memory; then on land - a mark; and a blind. By the end of the morning, every dog had had a turn at each element.
After a short break for refreshments, the afternoon continued with three further tests.
Test 4 - After a mini drive as a distraction, each dog had to go over a fence to a triangle of long grass where 5 dummies had been placed. There was a further hazard of a track and a wood to the left of the area, which some of the dogs naturally pulled towards.
Test 5 – The only test where the competitors could choose who went for which element - Again a distraction of a mini drive, then a blind in cover to the right of a track; a long blind over a ditch; and a shorter blind over the ditch and to the right.
Test 6 – A walk up in long grass on a slight hill, with the dummies falling just over the brow.
There was a run off for one of the awards between Liz Ingram and, Gill Yates from Hants & South West Area which was a very long, difficult mark.
The home side were victorious, with Essex finishing in first place. It was a great day, and a great result for Essex!
Report by Christine Thurlbourn
With my secretary's head on, and on behalf of the committee our thanks to our hosts for making everyone so welcome, and allowing us the use of this beautiful ground.
We also are grateful to Masters Dog Foods for their continued sponsorship of the Essex Area, and also Sporting Saint for supplying some additional prizes to those in the awards.
Our judges did a sterling job, and give their time to allow us all to enjoy our sport.
Finally, and very importantly, many, many thanks to all our helpers who gave up their day and to those of you who also gave up their Saturday to come along and help get things ready.
It makes the committee's job a whole lot easier having reliable people willing to help and the day all ran very smoothly, which was wonderful.

It says a lot for the Essex Area that we have so many people prepared to help and it was very much appreciated.
Thank you all.
Cath Elsey