Southern Inter Club Team Match 16/06/24
The Team
ND/NH Bradley Cole Gameflight Confetti
Novice. Geoff Allen Teywillow Queen Bee
Open. Doug Laflin. Brockaghs Hagan
Firstly we would all like to thank URC Essex for asking us to represent them, and secondly The UGS Surry,W.Sussex & Hants for putting on a great day , starting with tea coffee and bacon rolls, and to finish a hog roast with bucks fizz, and more tea and coffee , plus some wonderful and plentiful cakes baked by a club member.
There were 5 tests in all and we started at number 5. A memory in the water for the novice dog and a mark in the water for the ND/NH and a blind over the pond and into a wood for the open dog. Every team had a joker to play at the test of their choice, but we decided not to play it on our first test and let the dogs settle down plus Brad's nerves!! ( Big mistake ) Both the novice dogs got 20 out of 20 and I got 19 !
The tests were all set out very well, and well within the capabilities of the dogs that had to pick them, and obviously with the difficulty increasing for the experience of each dog, but as always dogs don't always do as we wish or expect, plus the odd handling error when the nerves kicked in, so the odd wheel fell of here and there, but hey that's dogs .
Overall I thought we did very well throughout the day and although we did not win ( as per instructions! ) we certainly gave a good account of ourselves, and more importantly we all enjoyed the day and came home happy.
Again I would like to thank the organising club and of course Clive and Gilly Nichols for allowing us to use their wonderful ground.
Doug Laflin