Area Training Classes

Training Classes

Training classes are arranged by each of the 9 areas. These classes will provide training for members at pre-arranged locations, the training set up at the start of the year. The annual programme for each area is decided by the area committees prior to the start of each year. Areas will also provide  progress awards to members, who when attending classes have  shown improvement thoughout the year. In addition to training classes areas will also put on special events, ie Field Trial specific training which could take the form of a Field Trial Training Day when prospective judges are given instruction by KC judges at a simulated trial, and special situations are set up to assess dogs performance. Training is also sometimes arranged in sugar beet.

The general rules for training classes are as follows.

The number and location of training classes is decided by the Area Committee, but should endeavour to serve the needs of all members in the Area.  The training classes are under the direction of Area appointed trainers.  A member may not bring more than 2 dogs to a training class.  On such occasions, a minder must be provided for the dog not being handled.  A member may not bring a bitch in season to any training class.  A member may not bring to any training class any dog which has been exposed to the risk of any contagious or infectious disease during the period 21 days prior to the class.  Dogs attending a training class must have current inoculation or booster certificates for all recognised diseases, including Parvo Virus.