Organisation of the National Club

Officers and Committee 2022-2023

President: Mrs I Wright 
Vice-Presidents: Mr G Stanley
Chairman: Mr N Coates
Hon Secretary  Mrs J Dimmock

Fair Lawns
Oldwood Common
Tenbury Wells
Worcestershire WR15 8TB

emails/phone numbers unchanged

Dick = / 07768 302002
Jennie = / 07867 514300

Hon. Treasurer: Ms C Chatwood
Hon. Field Trial Secretary:  Mrs Ruth Warner
Hon. Show Secretary: Mrs A Scutcher
Year Book Editor:  Ms K Herbert
Membership Secretary: Mrs A G Lambert
Website Administrator Mr F L Wright

General Committee - Area Representatives

Borders and Cotswolds Mrs K McCarthy, Miss C Baker 
Bucks Mrs B Kuen, Mrs Joy Venturi-Rose
Essex Mrs C Elsey, Mr M Lawrence, Ms B Gentlemen
Hampshire and South West Ms J Venables, Ms H Fletcher
Lincolnshire Mr D Falshaw, Miss G Bell
Midland Mrs Jane Samson, Miss L Finney. Maurice Fitch
North Midlands Mr S Crookes, Mrs Elaine Whittaker
Northern Mr N Aubrey, Mrs P Aubrey, Mr S Allmark
Southern Fiona Milne, Mr A Snow, Mrs S Pounds-Longhurst