Kennel Club Press Release on Social Media

The Kennel Club has issued advice to people using Facebook and other social media platforms to discuss issues concerning Kennel Club-based activities such as breeding, competing with and judging dogs.

See more at: The Kennel Club and social media

Kennel Club Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct has been developed to set out the Kennel Club’s expectations for all those taking part in or attending events under its jurisdiction along with general guidelines on the use of social media.

See more at The Kennel Club expected Code of Conduct


                                                                 URC EVENT INFORMATION


Shows are put on every year, 2 open shows, in the spring and autumn and a championship show somewhere in between. This programme is set by the Show committee who, like the FT subcommittee meet before the main club meeting


Field Trials

These are arranged by the areas but run by the main club. The areas in rotation put on 3 Novices and an All Aged. This means that each area has to host a Novice every three years and a All Aged every 9 years. The areas find the grounds and make all the arrangements in conjunction with the Field Trial Secretary who will run the day. The areas provide the help and support to run the day.

The 2 day open qualifier is organised by the Field Trial Secretary, organising the ground, the guns and judges in conjunction with the URC Field Trial Sub committee where help may be offered with grounds etc. This subcommittee is also the forum for feedback on the Novice and All Aged Trial arrangements.


Working tests entry requirements

Working tests are  set up by each of the areas at the beginning of the year. the programme is published by the area and is also available on the website. The tests that are put on are as follows, some classified by KC definitions, other unclassified;

PUPPY STAKE  By age.  A Puppy is any dog or bitch which is under 18 months old on the date of the test. 

SPECIAL PUPPY  (unclassified)  Areas wishing to arrange other tests involving puppies may do so but these tests must be designated SPECIAL PUPPY and must make clear any difference between this test and a Puppy Test. 

NOVICE DOG/NOVICE HANDLER (unclassified) Neither dog nor handler to have won any award, including certificate of merit at a Field Trial, or 1st 2nd, 3rd or Reserve in an Open or All-Aged Working Test, or 1st in ANY Working Test. 

NOVICE Any dog or bitch of any age not having won:

a) a place or Certificate of Merit at a Field Trial

b) a 1st, 2nd or 3rd in any Open Working Test;

c) a 1st in a Novice test;

 (A 1st in a Puppy Stake or a 1st in a Novice Dog/Novice Handler is discounted for this purpose). 

PUPPY AND NOVICE (i.e. where only one set of awards is given, namely Novice), any dog or bitch not having won:

a) a Field Trial award, including a Certificate of Merit at a Field Trial;
b) a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or Reserve in an Open or All-Aged working field test;

c) a 1st in any previous Novice Working Test or any test above Novice level;

d) a 1st in a combined Puppy and Novice test where separate awards for puppies were NOT given. 

INTERMEDIATE (unclassified)  In URC tests Intermediate is graded between Novice and Open. Any dog or bitch of any age not having won:

a) a 1st in any Intermediate, Open or All-Aged Working Test;

b) a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in any Field Trial, EXCEPT for a Novice Dog/Novice Handler Field Trial where first only would be excluded. 

OPEN  Open to all members of the United Retriever Club.  Preference in any draw will be given to dogs of members which have qualifications and which make them ineligible to run in any other category of test.  Preference in the draw will be given to host Area members.

ALL-AGED (unclassified)  An Open test but which may be restricted by the regulations or the agreement of the Club. (Entry Forms for Open or All-Aged tests must have a space for qualifications to be listed). 

VETERAN (unclassified) Open to all dogs aged EIGHT YEARS or over on the day before the test is run. 

COLD GAME  These tests will be understood to be run at Open level or, if not, the standard at which they are run must be specified, e.g. Novice Cold Game. 

TESTS RUN IN CONJUNCTION WITH TRAINING CLASSES or to assess ability or progress of dog or handler and specifically designated as such do not count as a disqualification for recognition in URC events.



Training classes are arranged by each of the 9 areas. These classes will provide training for members at pre-arranged locations, the training set up at the start of the year. The general rules are as follows.

The number and location of training classes is decided by the Area Committee, but should endeavour to serve the needs of all members in the Area.  The training classes are under the direction of Area appointed trainers.  A member may not bring more than 2 dogs to a training class.  On such occasions, a minder must be provided for the dog not being handled.  A member may not bring a bitch in season to any training class.  A member may not bring to any training class any dog which has been exposed to the risk of any contagious or infectious disease during the period 21 days prior to the class.  Dogs attending a training class must have current inoculation or booster certificates for all recognised diseases, including Parvo Virus.